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The Africa Helping Hands Story

Changing the Way Outsourcing is Done

Our Mission

To lower labor costs for US-based companies while supporting our African team.

Our Vision

To strengthen the bond between America and Africa by trading fair wages for quality work.

As a US-based company with offices West Africa, Africa Helping Hands was born to help American companies lower labor costs without compromising the quality of the work they outsource. Instead of outsourcing to the East – which carries certain risks from obscure taxation to poor communication – we’re expanding our (and your) horizons to the mother continent.

What is Outsourcing?

Outsourcing has become an increasingly popular movement across the United States, whereby companies from all industries are hiring external parties to perform particular services – normally data-related and admin tasks. 

While services like these are typically performed in-house, the need for full-time staff can unnecessarily strain and drain your bottom line. When you outsource, you can cut your costs dramatically, hiring help only when you need it. Studies show that outsourcing is also connected to higher productivity, improved customer service, and higher monthly revenue.


Who Can Benefit From Outsourcing?

Absolutely any business in need of data entry support, data collection, web development, computer programming transcription, bookkeeping, and admin-related tasks can benefit from outsourcing. Outsourcing is an effective way to free up your in-house staff’s time. With less admin to tackle daily, they can focus on real revenue-producing activities that contribute to your bottom line. Outsourcing to Africa is more than merely a good business move – you’ll also be helping us empower families living in some of the poorest countries in the world.

Why Outsource to Africa?

Few companies are aware of the immense benefits of outsourcing to Africa. Aside from gaining access to qualified English-speaking African team members with the incentive to work hard, outsourcing to Africa helps your business support a region where local jobs are few and far between. West Africa has the highest unemployment rate in the world, and job seekers are desperately searching for opportunities to prove their worth. 

Africa is an incredibly diverse region with a lot to offer organizations like yours. With an open mind, you can unlock access to some of the most skilled workers on the planet while reducing overhead costs and better focusing your company’s core offerings. 

What’s more, Africa is also home to the youngest population worldwide, with a median average age of 18. This working-age population is filled with valuable human capital, with daily access to technology and favorable remote work environments.


Where Does Africa Helping Hands Source From?

While we source talent from all over West Africa, we have a particularly strong focus on Ghana – the region’s top Business Processing Outsourcing (BPO) outsourcing destination. Companies like yours are attracted to Ghanaian talent in the technology development and support task niches. With Ghana’s business-friendly tax and regulatory environment, well-educated English-speaking African workers, impressive IT infrastructure, and minimal time zone difference, outsourcing to Ghana is a smart way to save labor costs while accessing a pool of exceptional talent.




Africa Helping Hands is led by a team of passionate American Directors, meaning you never have to worry about foreign business or law concerns. As low-cost labor specialists, we are your source of contact when it comes to sourcing highly qualified, natively English-speaking African workers who understand the value of hard work.

Our Team


David Mineer


Braden Mineer


Sam Pobee

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